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Composer clear cache

Composer clear cache

  • 178 words
  • 1 min read

If you have a problem similar to “End-of-central-directory signature not found.”, you might need to run a composer clear cache command in order to get it working.

How to delete all your Git local branches

How to delete all your Git local branches

  • 193 words
  • 1 min read

Sometimes after working for a long time, all the remaining local branches are just taking up space. Here's a small snippet to remove all your local branches in one go.

iTerm2 + Zplug = Productivity

iTerm2 + Zplug = Productivity

  • 772 words
  • 4 min read

After spending a long time of my life using the normal terminal I met a new tool called iTerm2 because a friend of mine a few year ago. And, this week I've discovered the power of zplug. So, let me try to show you how my terminal looks like now.